We were a little pre-emptive this year and put our tree up tonight! Since we're leaving on Wed. for UT we thought we'd get it done before we left so it would be looking great when we got home. We did the lights on the house yesterday and all the little shelf stuff, and saved the tree for tonight. The kids were excited about it all day, and it was a relatively low stress, low anxiety event for all! which sometimes doesn't happen even though we always want it to. The tree looks great, but going through all our Christmas boxes I've realized I have a lot of stuff I don't use anymore, time to streamline and dejunk!
So we're off for Turkey Day and very excited to see friends and family. Hope all your Thanksgivings are full of friends and family and lots of yummy food!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
All the Trimmin's
Posted by Alison Ward at 8:34 PM 5 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Nuttin Honey
Soooooooo, haven't posted for a couple weeks. Maci is reading Junie B. Jones Books, Gavin is playing with Bakugans and is obsessed with watching YouTube videos of people putting their Maxus Dragonoids together, Chris is gone 4 days/nights a week at school, I'm up to my neck in craft orders. That sums up our last couple of weeks!
Maybe if I look at what pictures I've taken it'll jog my memory as to what we've been doing. Here's what I've got.Yup, this one is old news from while my mom was here helping me recover. We've taken no pics the last two weeks! besides of craft projects. Pitiful.
I had a checkup today, all is good. I get to actually start taking Clomid tomorrow! Yipee that we've finally arrived to this point. Our trip to Utah next week makes it a little more difficult to track my progress, but we'll just kind of leave it up to chance this first month I guess, we don't have much other choice at this point. I'm fine with that. They have you doing like 3 ultrasounds a cycle, plotting this, timing that, take a shot for this, check your follicles on this date, it's too many complicated timings! So, for now we'll just see what happens.
We had a funny interesting thing happen, I don't want to read too much into this, but I want to write it down for future reference? I was thinking of baby names the other day, as babies have been on my mind?! and I really like the name Ellie, but want to name her (if it turns out we have a her) something longer so her nickname would be Ellie. I thought Elaine, since that is a family name, which I like but I'm not in love with. . . Eleanor, which is cute too, but again, not in love with it, then thought Elizabeth. My sister Anne's first name is Elizabeth, it's a "family" name, yes, I like Elizabeth and call her Ellie. I didn't talk to anyone about this on that day. I came home, was making the kids dinner. They got talking about little brothers and sisters, mostly because all their friends have baby brothers or sisters right now. Of course Maci wants a girl, Gav wants a brother. So Maci, out of the clear blue, says "I think we should name our baby sister Elizabeth". I have never ONCE talked to her about the name Elizabeth, she doesn't have a friend named that, I don't know that anyone in her class is named that, it was just completely out of the blue! on the same day I had an incling that I liked that name as well. Anyway, maybe there's a little Elizabeth up in heaven waiting for my follicles to get in line!
I've also had a couple twinges that we might have multiples. Of course your risk is upped with Clomid, but not that significantly, I think it's like 5%. So maybe it's just in my head that we might and that's why I've been thinking about it. But I think I'd really be ok with it at this point! We've always said we'd try for 4, and maybe this is my way of getting it easily without going through all this again. Anyway, who knows what will happen, but if we do end up having twins, or heaven knows, triplets?! I think I'm prepared for that possibility and would be grateful for it.
Well, again I know this is all "personal" stuff, but I WANT to remember all this, so I can look back when we have a beautiful baby and say, see, all that was worth it!!
OK, back to what the kiddies are up to. Maci is an artist. She loves to draw. I showed her how to draw something or write something, and then go around and around it in different colors, radiating out. We used to do that when we were kids, with our names, etc. She loves this "technique" and has started doing it on all her pieces. She loves to draw girls with pig tails. She's moved on from the rainbows, those were so last year ;-D She can write in full sentences, she's flying through school and loves every minute of it, although when I picked her up today she was in tears. She said a boy kept putting his hand in front of her face. She asked him to stop, and he just kept on doing it. I'm not sure why this upset her so much, I guess just the fact that she asked him to knock it off and he wouldn't?! Chris told her that sometimes boys do that when they like you, and she said in disgust "He does NOT like me!" like how icky could you get dad, I'm glad she still has that reaction!
Gavin Gavin Gavin. He is my little buddy. He's such a good sport, patient with me and my crazy wood crap I have to do during the day sometimes. He plays the Wii, plays Bakugans by himself, plays cars on the kitchen floor by me, he's just a good sport about it most of the time. When we have to run errands, he has to know each and every store we're going to before we get in the car. He usually chooses to wine about one of the stores, but now that I have my trusty iPod Touch, with lots of fun games on it, the complaining has been less :-D Gavin needs a haircut desperately, before we leave for UT for Turkey Day for sure! His faux hawk is like no other. Gavin is learning a lot, and mostly on his own because heaven knows I have not been doing my motherly job by printing off worksheets and flash cards for him to study and go through. He is a puzzle genius. He's very good with spacial relations. We also won a game basket at the Fall Festival at school last week. It had a lot of great games in them, but our 2 new favorites are Marbles!! and Toss Up. The kids love trying to hit the Marbles, I never would have thought that such a cheap game could entertain them so much, and Toss Up is a blast for the whole family. It's a dice game that is easy enough for Gavin, but entertaining enough for the rest of us. I creamed everybody last time we played :-D but I think Chris let me win. Gavin is my best bud, and I'm trying to soak up this time I have with him before he starts school and before we add another bundle to the mess. His laugh is infectious and his mischevous smile brightens up my day.
We said goodbye to our good friends the Dunakey's last week. They have been SO WONDERFUL to us since the first week we moved here. Tom literally moved our whole house from our truck into the house, by himself, and Chris, and he didn't even know us?! Their girls have been such good friends to our kids, their oldest McKenna, who is 11, would come and watch the kids while I did woodwork in the afternoons, they're just great kids and we're going to miss them so much! They moved to Omaha for a new job :-( Angelita has been one of my closest friends here and it really hurt to let her go! But we hope to keep in touch and will be bunking in their fabulous new house on our way to UT when we go, or maybe just to party for a couple days!
I did not intend for this to be such a long "journal" type entry, but that's what blogs are sometimes! I promise the next one will be filled with snowfall pics from Utah with friends and family for Thanksgiving. We can't wait to get there and soak up the love of Home for a couple days. Until then. . .
Posted by Alison Ward at 7:45 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
That Bewitching NIght
We had a fantastic Halloween Week. We started off with Carving Pumpkins on Thursday night, had Maci's classroom parties on Friday night, then Trick-or-Treating on Sat. We also picked our pumpkins out at the patch at Rutledge Wilson farm, which was really fun as well. Here's the pics, they don't need much explanation! Hope your haunting night was as fun as ours.
Posted by Alison Ward at 5:23 PM 2 comments
Surgery Schmergery
I know I'm behind on Halloween stuff, I'll get that posted today as well. Just thought I'd jot a little line about the cyst situation. My surgery was scheduled for yesterday, and went pretty well. I went in at 7am, they said the Dr. was ahead of schedule and they got me ready pretty quickly. Then I sat on a gurney for about an hour, guess his "ahead of schedule" turned the other direction. Then they gave me my happy juice and the rest is a blur, until waking up in another room feeling totally crappy! I had a slight cough going into this, and they wanted me to cough to get my oxygen levels up, You want me to WHAT?! youch, that really hurt. They wheeled me back in with Chris to wake up the rest of the way. I gotta say, I'm a lot more sore than I thought I would be, they made 3 incisions, all pretty small, but my stomach is feeling the pain. I went home about 7 hrs. after I arrived, drugged up nicely and ready for bed. I pretty much slept the rest of the day/night. This morning I'm feeling pretty good, still not moving too much, and my back hurts from being in one position too much. Thank goodness for my wonderful mom who flew out to help with the kids. She's totally babying me and it's delightful. The kids are having a ball with her, making cinnamon rolls this morning. Thanks mom!!
So the prognosis. When I went in for my pre-op a couple days ago, the Dr. assured me that they would try and save the ovary the cyst was attached to. He said generally this isn't a problem and it should be doable. Well, when he came in to speak with me right before the surgery, he said he'd been thinking about my case all weekend. He said because the cyst had grown so fast, egg sized in about 2 months or so, that he was slightly concerned that it was cancerous. He said if he got in there and the tumor was a solid mass, he'd have to cut it up in little pieces to get it out and get it off the ovary. Then if it was cancer, it would spread and I'd have to have chemo to make sure we got all the pieces. SO, he thought it was in my best interest to just have the whole thing removed. Cancer vs one less ovary. . . . seems like an easy choice, even though it was not what I was expecting or hoping. So they took the ovary. He said my left one would compensate and start ovulating every month, which is good, I didn't know it did that?! He checked out lefty and got it working as well as it can, so in a couple weeks we'll start the Clomid treatments and go from there.
Taking the ovary was my greatest fear going into this. Now that it's happened, I just feel that it's all going to work out ok. Chris gave me several priesthood blessings of health and comfort, and I truly do feel comforted by my Heavenly Father that everything will be ok. He knows our righteous desires to have another baby, and when the time is right, even if it's through adoption, I know that it will happen. It may take a while, years even, but I know that it will happen.
Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts, I have the best friends and family around. We'll keep ya posted! and I promise to get the Halloween pics up :-D
Posted by Alison Ward at 6:30 AM 11 comments